Toe Beans!


Cat Chat: Toe beans!

cat-paw-healthOh those sweet little toe beans we all just adore. They are fascinating to say the least!

These little beans are like little pillows that allow a cat to walk more comfortably and quietly. You may have noticed sometimes trying to touch your cat’s paw and they retract. This is because they are very sensitive. So sensitive in fact, that they can tell the difference between temperature and as little as one degree. Crazy and yet so fascinating!

The cat’s paw is made up of 4 parts. The claws, the digital pads (known as toe beans), the metacarpal pad, dewclaw and carpal pad. The carpal pad I would describe is sort of like the human palm of the hand. This carpal pad gives the cat more traction as well as stability.

A cat’s paw pad is just as unique as a human fingerprint. You can also notice they typically match their fur color. Black cat paw pads are typically black, a white cat’s pink, orange cats have orange paw pads, and the tortoise shell and calico cats have the same color pattern as they have on their fur. Cat’s have scent glands in between each of their little beans. For example, scents are transferred to the item the cat may is scratching. This is not only a form of communication to other cats, but also a way of marking.

Did you know cats also sweat through their toe beans? They use evaporation to cool themselves off such as panting and smearing saliva on their coat.

No matter how amazing these little paws are, and the major role they play for our cats, just like our hands and feet, TLC may sometimes be needed. Especially if they are outdoors, or both indoors and out. Walking on very hot cement, or very cold surfaces can lead to pain. Remember cats are masters in hiding pain, so it’s up to us to take a look once in a while. Make sure the beans are fine. If you notice your cat had dry paw pads, simply ask your veterinarian which cat safe moisturizer is recommended.

Because of the cat’s paw pad sensitivity, this also can create litter box issues. The litter you are using may be hurting their paws, so they decide to defecate elsewhere where it doesn’t hurt. Always try a different litter first, or even better, provide your cat with a choice test. Try multiple types and see which one your feline likes best.