What is a feline behaviorist anyway?
Feline behaviorists work with families and their fur children to correct an unwanted behavior, or to entirely teach a new one.
Most unwanted behaviors stem from medical, so your behaviorist may require medical clearance to ensure this is in fact behavior. We want to be sure your cat is not in pain.
While your veterinarian has been taught the medical side of felines, your behaviorist has been taught the philological side. We have been trained to enter the mind of our beloved felines and help you understand why they do what they do.
You see cats don’t do things out of spite as some may think. Every behavior you may find “annoying” is actually your cat communicating. So, if our feline is suddenly exhibiting unwanted behavior and was medically cleared, it’s time to dig deeper.
Sometimes it’s a simple thing. Let’s imagine our cat suddenly stopped using the litterbox. Did anything in the household change? New kitten, new baby? How about the litterbox location or something blocking the pathway? Your behaviorist goes through everything, so don’t be overwhelmed by the number of questions we ask.
Not only do we deal with behavior issues, but our field also consists of diet and nutrition. If your cat is too big, too small, diabetic, UTI prone, we can help. From diet plans to even a few herbal supplements that not only can help gut health, but even some skin irritations from allergies.
Rescue breathing and CPR can be taught to the families as well should a situation arise.
So, what is a feline behaviorist? We can be the difference between life and death. Most surrenders are due to behavior and many of them are euthanized. Healthy cats that could have been helped if a family member reached out to one.
Of course, miracles can’t happen that we’re able to change every behavior, but giving your cat an option for change is a beautiful thing before giving up.
Unfortunately, many times owners would like a quick fix, and I’m here to tell you it doesn’t work that way. Your behaviorist will guide you, but it’s you that needs to put in the work.
Behavior modification can sometimes take weeks or even months. Owners must be persistent, consistent and committed.
Imagine witnessing your cats unwanted behavior change into something positive while thinking what could have happened if you just gave up.
It’s simply beautiful.